Supergirl season 1 episode 7
Supergirl season 1 episode 7

When an electrical surge causes a malfunction in the containment unit housing the alpha Phantom (who the heroes are using to track Kara), it leads to everyone but Brainy and J'onn entering a comatose state as they experience their Fear Visions. Well, figuratively speaking, in Brainy's case.) Kelly teaches them to use "grounding techniques" and similar fear management tactics to help tell the difference between what's real and what's not, but that's easier said than done when virtually every Super Friend has some deep-seated trauma just waiting for the Phantoms to exploit. (Cue Brainy and Nia referencing dementors and boggarts from Harry Potter - they truly are millennial superheroes. The only problem? Lest we forget, the Phantoms' powers work differently on their home turf, allowing them to disorient their victims using Fear Visions that bring their deepest dread to life. RELATED: Supergirl: Jason Behr Shares Zor-El's New Hope for the Midseason Finale & Beyond At first, the episode appears to pick up in medias res, with Kara and Zor-El narrowly escaping the Anchor's destruction - in the process destabilizing their region of the Phantom Zone - before they're attacked by Phantoms, only to jump back to "Two Hours Earlier." However, it turns out this is setting the stage for the Super Friends to venture into the Phantom Zone and track Kara using the DNA Brainy and Nia gathered from their time-travel adventure in "Prom Night!"/"Prom Again!" With J'onn having transformed their tower into a spacecraft ("I love Martian technology," Alex sighs in relief), the crew finally head off to rescue their beloved Girl of Steel. Holtham and Elle Lipson, "Fear Knot" has one of the least conventional, but otherwise effective structures that Supergirl has ever used. And while the remainder of this season will continue to be affected by the social distancing measures in place during filming, the midseason finale, "Fear Knot," does a good job of setting up the Super Friends' final arcs while also subtly laying some additional groundwork for the series' endgame. Then there was Melissa Benoist's pregnancy, which necessitated the whole "Kara's trapped in the Phantom Zone" storyline as a way of taking the character out of commission for a while. For starters, the ongoing coronavirus pandemic led to Season 5 being cut short and Season 6 having to tie off all its dangling plot threads before diving into its own narrative. Up until this point, Supergirl's final season has been heavily shaped by factors in the real world. WARNING: The following contains spoilers for Supergirl Season 6, Episode 7, "Fear Knot," which aired Tuesday on The CW.

Supergirl season 1 episode 7